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Surge is a command-line generator of chemical structures. It is written in a portable subset of the C language and runs on any computer that can run nauty. The only compulsory input is a chemical formula.

surge -u C8H11NO
>Z generated 17379 -> 500039 -> 2123287 in 0.12 sec 1 Here surge has reported that it found 2,123,287 molecules in 0.12 seconds.
surge -u C8H11NO
>Z generated 17379 -> 500039 -> 2123287 in 0.12 sec 1 Here surge has reported that it found 2,123,287 molecules in 0.12 seconds.

Formulae Generator

You can generate the formulae up to the give number of heavy atoms using the following commands

  • Generate class file
javac -cp .:commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:cdk-2.9.jar
javac -cp .:commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:cdk-2.9.jar
  • Run formulae generator
java -cp .:commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:cdk-2.9.jar FormulaeGenerator -heavyAtoms 7 -path ~/Downloads
java -cp .:commons-cli-1.5.0.jar:cdk-2.9.jar FormulaeGenerator -heavyAtoms 7 -path ~/Downloads

All the jar files are available in the resources/formulae/